Tag Archives: first draft

First Lines Are Like Hamburgers







I am working on making my opening sentences sizzle like a juicy hamburger just off the grill. I can’t resist taking a big bite into that burger and letting the juice drizzle down my chin. There is no stopping me from finishing it. I like my novels like that.

Writing juicy, sizzling openings isn’t easy but a writer can’t risk losing the reader on the
first page. Admittedly, I am very much a newbie without the polish of a seasoned writer.
My first manuscript started like this:

I have a name that sounds like a cat with a hairball. Hollis. Gather a lot of saliva in
the back of your throat then draw out the first syllable when you say it. Isn’t just like a cat hawking up a hairball?…….”

Do you want to read more? If you do then that puts a big smile on my face. Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on June 11, 2011 in Mystery Writing, Writing


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